Sora Seo 2 Blogger Template
"Sora Seo 2 Blogger Template" is an elegant and simple blogger blogging theme designed by SoraTemplates, this is a very popular theme that has an attractive design and nice typography. As the name suggests, this theme is highly optimized with the latest SEO trends and techniques that help achieve higher rankings on various search engines. This blogger theme has a solid design with a responsive layout, meaning whatever device blog visitors use will look phenomenal in every aspect ratio. Based on the latest generation of bloggers framework, this theme supports the newly updated blogger dashboard, which means there will be no thumbnail issues. With its simple design, this theme supports multi-niche blogs, you can create sites about news, technology, micro-niches, etc. This theme is loaded with many options, which makes it a fully customizable theme, you can change the colours and backgrounds from the blogger template adapter.
Sora Seo 2 Blogger Template Features:
- Hot Post
- News Ticker
- Boxed Mode
- Fast Loading
- Social Sharing
- SEO Optimized
- Post Shortcodes
- Special Ads Spot
- 3 Sidebar Option
- Custom 404 Page
- Featured Widgets
- Drop Down Menu
- Whatsapp Sharing
- Google Rich Results
- Browser Compatibility
- Awesome About Section
- 100% Responsive Design
- Remove Footer Copyrights
- Awesome Ajax Mega Menu
- Lifetime Template Updates
- Google Testing Tool Validator
- Blogger Template Customizer
- Blogger, Disqus or Facebook Comments
Template Author: "SoraTemplates"